a complete 360 from the same old same old and
use all natural cedar shake shingles for your
roofing instead. Your home will stand out from
all the others in your neighborhood. The number
1 cedar shake shingles are cut tapered and smooth
sawn on both faces for a very neat, tailored
appearance. They are cut in three lengths. The
16" called Fivex has a thickness of 5/2" (5
butts stacked on top of each other total 2"
thick). The 18" is called Perfections and has
a thickness of 5/2 1/4" and the 24" is called
Royals with a thickness of 4/2". On a 4/12 and
steeper pitched roof, a #1 shingle is applied
at 5" exposure for 16"; 5 1/2" for 18" and 7
1/2" for 24".The number 1 grade, the best grade
of cedar shake shingles, is clear heartwood,
100% edge grain and with no defects in the shakes.
If you have questions about any of our products
we may be reached by phone at 865-693-1600 or
toll free at 1-800-251-9838. For e-mail, contact
Buddy Sensenbach at
You may also post mail us at Valley Lumber Sales,
Inc., PO Box 50246, Knoxville, TN 37950-0246.
