number 1 blue label® premium grade of red cedar
shingles is for roofs and sidewalls. These top-grade
cedar shingles are 100% heartwood, 100% clear
and 100% edge grain, an excellent choice for
a house. They are available in 16 inch or 18
inch or 24 inch lengths and function well in
all types of weather. The number 2 red label
material is a good grade for many applications.
Flat grain and limited sapwood are permitted
in this grade. The number 3 black label is a
utility grade for economy applications and secondary
buildings. The number 4 undercoursing is a utility
grade for undercoursing of double coursed sidewalls
only. They are not to be used as a roofing material,
and not to be used as a starter course for roofs.
With distribution centers in Birmingham, Alabama
and Knoxville, Tennessee, we are able to service
the shake and shingle needs of the Eastern United
States. Feel free to browse through our website
at for additional
information concerning our natural wood products
that will add to the appearance of your home.
